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Drug Classification Advice for prescription
Not porphyrinogenic (NP) Used as a first-hand choice.
No precautions needed.
Probably not porphyrinogenic (PNP) Used as a first-hand choice.
No precautions needed.
Possibly porphyrinogenic (PSP) Only used when no safer alternative is available.
Precautions motivated in vulnerable patients.
Probably porphyrinogenic (PRP) Rescripted only on strong or urgent indications.
Precaution motivated in all patients.
Porphyrinogenic (P) Prescribed only on urgent indications.
Precaution taken in all patients.
Not yet classified (NC) Not yet safely classified and should therefore not be used. Prescribed only on strong indications when no safer alternative is available. Seek advice from a porphyria specialist.

Generic name: Trade name:

(C) Cybervision Software AS 2023